Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Employment Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employment Relationship - Essay Example What above discussion suggests is the fact that the conflict is an inherent and often permanent element in the equation of employment relations as despite being agreed on trading off the job security with the loyalty to be shown to the employers, employees still consider a degree of conflict in their relationship with employers. This however, further depend upon the relative degree of conflict in the employment relations as such conflict may between the different layers of employees as well as the employers/management. The term industrial relation potentially defines the relationship between the workers/employees and the management of the organization. Earlier efforts on defining the industrial relations concentrated on defining the industrial relations in terms of "processes of control over work relations" (Hills). This definition therefore set up the tome of industrial relations in terms of the defining as to how the work relations are controlled within an organization. The emergence of the term Industrial Relations happened during the decade of 1920s due to enormous increase in industrial activity in US and UK. However, over the period of time, its interpretation as well as name has changed from Industrial Relations to Personnel Management and from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management. Despite such change, it is critical to understand that the basic theoretical thrust behind the concept has remained same i.e. management of people. (Edwards). Edwards is also of the opinion that sinc e the industrial relations are basically responsible for the employment management therefore a better representation of the term Industrial Relations can also be Employment relation. The representation of the workers is achieved through the formation of a collective bargaining agent or unions which often negotiate the nature of relationship between workers and the management of the firm. It is also critical to understand that the degree of industrial relations may vary at everyone functional level i.e. they may have different dynamics when viewed at the shop/floor level whereas the intensity and significance may greatly vary when the same is dealt much higher level of employment relations. Further, the degree and variability of industrial relations also depend upon the relative technological strengths of the employers as with the advancement in technology, many jobs may be rendered as redundant and many workers may loose their jobs due to technological change. Employment Relations Employment relationships need to be viewed in two perspectives i.e. from the point of view of the employee and the employer. For an employee, employment is an obvious source of income and a way to achieve the social recognition and identity. Thus the term employment relations not only have the economic influence, but it also carries a social orientation due to the different softer issues involved in the process. (Bamber,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Reflection on the History & Systems of Psychology Essay Example for Free

Reflection on the History Systems of Psychology Essay Pre-modern, modern and postmodern frames of reference have all helped shape important, contemporary psychological theories and issues. In this paper I will attempt, in a reflective manner, to walk through and revisit the areas we covered in course, the end aim being to gain a measure of insight into where the field of psychology stands today, particularly with regard to oppressive forms of ethnocentric monoculturalism. In terms of pre-modern perspectives, in the course we first discussed historical issues concerning the mind-body problem. I stated the nature of the relationship between body and mind and whether they are one and the same or two distinct substances, which is the center of the debate between monists and dualist. Descartes, the most well known dualist, argued for a separation of mind from soul and body. Also an interactionist, Descartes held the mind influenced the body as much as the body impacted the mind (Goodwin, 2009). Plato, his predecessor from antiquity, was also a dualist and an interactionist arguably, and believed the body and soul/mind were temporarily at one during life; each came from a completely different place, the body from the material world and the soul from the world of ideas. At the moment of death, the body withered away in time and space, the soul or mind returning to the world of forms and there realizing universal truths (Wozniak, 1992). Delving deeper into pre-modern views of the mind-body problem I touched upon Spinoza. Spinoza, a contemporary of Descartes, dismissed Descartes two-substance view in favor of what is called double-aspect theory (Wozniak, 1992). Double-aspect theories hold the view that the mental and the physical realms are varying aspects of the same substance. For Spinoza, that single substance is God, perceived as the universal essence or nature of everything in existence. In Spinoza’s view, there is no partition of mind and body, therefore. Instead they are of a single substance, in a pre-established coordination, reflecting the divine essence. In reflection, I continue to side with Spinoza and double-aspect theory in terms of pre-modern perspectives. I do believe that there is a pre-established coordination between mind and body that is reflective of the divine creation. I am therefore I think is my continued response to Descartes. In terms of modern perspectives in the course we examined the origins of psychology as a subject discipline. During the course I stated that psychology first appeared as a subject discipline in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt started a psychology lab in Germany at the University of Leipzig. The laboratory devoted itself to the analysis of conscious thought in its basic elements and structures, which was uncovered through a process of introspection (Gross, 1996). What differentiated this ‘new psychology’ at the time from philosophy was its use of measurement and control as well as its emphasis on the scientific method to study mental processes relevant to human consciousness. Due to his influence on Edward B. Titchener, Wundt’s frame of reference arguably helped give birth to structuralism. Indeed Wundt’s disciple, Titchener, is credited with developing and labeling structuralism in an 1898 paper called â€Å"The Postulates of a Structural Psychology (Goodwin, 2009). In the paper he compared and contrasted structuralism with functionalism, which he claimed infested most US universities, save Cornell where he was cultivating what would come to be  called the â€Å"the Cornell school of psychology.† Notwithstanding, Goodwin (2009) has stated that Titchener and the Cornell view of psychology was extremely narrow largely because of its insistence on introspection and due to Titchener’s attitude that his way was the only way, a position that often does not bode well in academia. In this vein and perhaps arrogantly so, Titchener, likened structuralism to anatomy, its purpose being analysis he surmised whereas functionalism he likened to physiology, stating that functionalists examine how the mind is able to adapt one to his or her said environment, wh ich to Titchener was a waste of time without a deep understanding of structure. As one needs to know the ins and outs of human anatomy before being able to fully delve into physiology, so thus was the  functionalist at a loss, in his view, without the ability to outline the structures of human consciousness via a highly difficult process of systematic, experimental introspection as stipulated by him in almost cult like exclusivity, which spawned criticism. Accordingly, his movement never gained the momentum it needed to win American hearts and minds, falling into the dustbin of history in favor of functionalism. Nevertheless, in spite of Titchener’s unpopularity in the US, his enduring contribution is that he helped create a place for the lab and experimental psychology in all colleges and universities with programs in psychology. While functionalists were also interested in looking at mental processes such as consciousness in so far as assessing human behavior in terms of how it aided people in adapting to ever-changing environments, they did not, unlike followers of Titchener, emphasize introspection (Goodwin, 2009). Psychologist James R. Angell, a follower of John Dewey, the founder of functionalism in America, became its most outspoken spokesperson, criticizing Titchener and drawing a sharp contrast to him in a 1907 popular paper called â€Å"The Province of Functional Psychology.† It was a damning response to Titchener’s 1898 paper. For Angell, the structuralist was  interested in the â€Å"what?† of conscious thought, whereas the functionalist psychologist wished to know the â€Å"how?† and â€Å"why?† of it, asking what is consciousness for? (Goodwin, 2009). This way of viewing psychology in terms of its practical applications, became an important influence in modern times, because it led to the study of topics such as developmental and abnormal psychology, in addition to examining the individual differences of mind, (which Titchener and the Cornell school remarkably had no interest in). When asking how psychology can be used to solve everyday problems in a practical way, we are taking from the functionalists and their movement. Perhaps the most prominent movement in the field of modern 20th century psychology was behaviorism. Behaviorism began essentially due to the work of Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov who did not consider himself a psychologist, but, rather a physiologist interested in the process of digestion in dogs, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1904 (the year B. F. Skinner was born) in Physiology and Medicine. In the course of his research, Pavlov observed that the dogs would often start salivating before any food being given to them, when they would see the food or the food’s container, or when they heard the footsteps of the lab assistant who was on his way to feed them. His observations led to the study to what we now call classical conditioning (Gross, 1996). The first attempt to apply Pavlov’s findings on conditioning to humans was made by John B. Watson in a dubious and arguably unethical experiment on a small boy named Albert, showing that the fear of rats can be deliberately induced (Watson and Rayer, 1920). The experiment served to popularize a new behavioral approach to psychology that would within a decade become the dominant force in America, Watson its founder, propagator and publicist (Goodwin, 2008). To the modernist Watson (1913), psychology is an objective natural science,  its theoretical goal the prediction and control of behavior. Wundt and Titchener’s view on introspection has no place in its methods, nor is consciousness addressed or studied. There is no marked borderline between people and animals. Due to Watson’s input and influence cats, dogs, rats, and pigeons became the major source of psychological data. As ‘psychological’ now meant ‘behavior’ rather than ‘consciousness,’ animals that were easier to study and whose environments could be more readily controlled could replace people as experimental subjects (Gross, 1966). B. F. Skinner, also a behaviorist and modernist, went steps further than Pavlov and Watson, casting behavior in a more interactive light. He made a distinction between respondent and operant behavior and argued that most animal and human behavior is not brought about in the way Pavlov and Watson indicated and surmised. Skinner, like Edward Thorndike before him, was interested in how animals operate on their environment and how this operant behavior brings about particular consequences that can determine the likelihood of that behavior being repeated. In experiments he used a variation of Thordike’s puzzle-box, a Skinner box, which was made for a rat or a pigeon to do things in, rather than escape from. Fundamentally, Skinner saw the learner as much more actively involved than did Pavlov or Watson, for whom behavior was due to stimuli, unconditioned stimuli before learning and conditioned stimuli after learning. In addition to behaviorism, modern views of psychology took twists and turns. As a reaction to both Titchener’s structuralism and Watson’s behaviorism, the Gestalt psychologists of the 1920s and 1930s in Germany and Austria were primarily concerned with perception and held that perceptions could not be deconstructed in the way that Wundt and Titchener wanted to do with thought, and that behaviorists had sought for with behavior. Their belief could be  succinctly stated as follows: ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ (Gross, 1996, p.3). The whole is essentially destroyed when you break down perception and behavior into parts, the Gestalt psychologists held. There are organizing principles of perceptual organization which were voiced by Gestalt’s founder Max Wertheimer. These principles are frequently highlighted in units on perception in general psychology textbooks and are as follows: the principle of proximity, the principle of similarity, the principle of continuation. All of the organizing principles have in common what is called the law of simplicity or what Gestaltists term Prà ¤gnanz. This refers to the tendency for perceptions to mirror reality as closely as possible (Goodwin, 2009). In the course I gave an example of gestalt thinking, which in reflection I would like to return to as it clearly remains in mind. I used the example of a bus stopping at a bus stop in one’s neighborhood. On a given day the bus stops at the same corner the person is accustomed to, and is recognized to be that bus. The person gets on, but has made a mistake. She did not realize that there was a route change that morning and the bus she took was numbered differently. What gives? Is it only a matter of not paying attention? In Gestalt inspired, top-down conceptually driven processing, we begin with one’s prior knowledge, motivations, expectations and beliefs. In the bus example, the inability to see and decipher or register a different number on the bus and get on it, means it was recognized it to be the customary bus due to top-down processing (Danner, 2009). If one were to notice the different bus number, however, that would entail bottom-up processing, because such processing is data driven. The different number is perceived in terms of information in the sensory input, in conjunction with top-down processing, revealing to the person that it is not the customary bus. Perhaps after realizing her mistake, the person in  the example will be more careful next time, thereby exercising more bottom-up processing. If Austria was home to some of Gestalt’s most prominent members and adherents, it was also home to Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. Freudian psychoanalytic theory was the first to state the significance of innate drives and define abnormal and normal behavior in relationship to the role of the unconscious mind. Its importance is that the theory of personality popularized contextualizing human behavior in terms of the id, ego, and superego, notating development in five psychosexual stages. Each stage was marked by shifts in what Freud believed were the underlying modes of gratification: oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital (Glassman, 2000). In reflection, I continue to find merit in Freuds concept of stages for sure. I would still prefer to call them development stages, however, and not necessarily put a sexual meaning on them, as Freud and his supporters have done and continue to do. There is no need to detail the well-known limitations and criticisms of Freudian theory, which according to Glassman (2000) are its falsifiability, the great deal of emphasis put on case studies, and its cultural bias towards women. Regardless of such naysaying, his supporters would passionately argue for and be adamant about such a sexual narrative of the human person, which if not fodder, certainly has entertainment value. In fact, Freudian theory is fascinating to me largely due to the dramatic (almost cinematic) conflicts and challenges that mark each psychosexual stage. Perhaps the most well-known of these is the Oedipal conflict (which occurs in the so-called phallic stage). It was interesting to read that some analysts called the fe male variant, the Electra conflict, but Freud himself did not use the term (see Freud 1924). Perhaps the most attractive modern theory of personality, in my view, would belong to Carl Rogers. In Carl Roger’s theory, a person is the source of his  or her basic needs such as food and water. He or she is also the source of a growth motive which he called an actualizing tendency, which is an innate drive that is reflective of the desire to grow, to develop and to develop one’s capabilities (Glassman, 2000). It is the actualizing tendency that stimulates creativity, causing a person to seek out new challenges and skills that motivate healthy growth in one’s lifetime (Gross, 1996). According to Rogers (1961, but originally proposed in 1947): Whether one calls it a growth tendency, a drive towards self-actualization, or a forward moving direction tendency, it is the mainspring in life†¦ It is the urge which is evident in all organic and human life – to expand, extend, become autonomous, mature and develop. In reflection, I continue to feel that Roger’s influence and continuing popularity in the psychotherapeutic community give his theories merit. APA members have been asked which psychotherapist they believe to me the most influential figure in the field (Smith, 1982). In 2006, this survey repeated in the Psychotherapy Networker. In both surveys, Carl Rogers was the â€Å"landslide† choice. While this does not prove Rogers to be correct, certainly it gives his theory of motivation more credence than not, increasing its believability. Certainly, I feel influenced by Rogers as I move forward in my career. While Rogers theory of an actualizing tendency and the overall nature of the client-centered approach may be controversial due to its allowance to let the client call the shots and as stated by Goodwin (2009) for its overemphasis on the the self at the expense of the importance of the community, in addition to being clearer what it was against than what it was for, it is nevertheless, a credible postulation in terms of its application in therapy and remains my preference over Freud. Accordingly, I continue to feel that all clients  innately wish to be successful in life and to be praised as contributors to their own selfactualization. They wish to expand their knowledge and achieve  higher levels of success beneath all the guises that seem otherwise. When clients are not performing to their fullest potential, praise and support can help ignite the actualizing tendency in a manner that would otherwise have remained dormant. When exploring postmodern views of psychology we have to inherently speak about cultural narratives and meta-narratives. What is psychology today and who defines it? What is psychology’s story, who told that story historically, and who gets to tell it today? When we look at psychology as a practice, historically and today, is important to bring to the fore the ethnocentric monocultural aspects that were oppressive to women and continue to be to minority groups in reinforcing white male Euro-American culture as the normative and desirable culture. Indeed, therapists and helping professionals should try to help deconstruct and unveil monoculturalism whenever it rears its despicable head. When oppressive forms such as heterosexism, ageism, gender and sexism come to the fore in therapy, for example, therapists should not reinforce them but try to encourage reflection on such prejudices with the aim being for the client to indentify for what it is – and to grow accordingly. The field of psychology itself is not immune but remains at risk to the debacle of monoculturalism. According to Yutrzenka, Todd-Bazemore and Caraway (1999) even though the data forecast that by 2050, ethnic minorities will make up over 50% of the US population, this quickly changing demographic has minimal effect on the number of ethnic minority psychologists. This is particularly true for Native Americans, who are far more underrepresented than any other ethnic body. Though the APA as stated by Goodwin (2009), is vigorously addressing this entire issue at present, with such efforts to be praised, still the legacy of ethnocentric monoculturalism is a stain on the profession, and will remain so until  significant numbers of minority psychologists abound. In spite of the barriers confronting them, women and minorities have made many notable, valuable and vital contributions to the field of psychology. During the course I discussed Eleanor Gibson who received the National Medal of Science in 1992 for a lifetime of research on topics dealing with the development of depth perception to the fundamentals involved in reading, faced discrimination while at Yale from psychologist Robert Yerkes who wanted no females in his lab (Goodwin, 2009). While she was able to get her PhD there under the guidance of the neobehaviorist Clark Hull, she unfortunately went on to experience difficulties at Cornell (where her husband had gained a position) forced into an unpaid research associate position in spite of winning competitive and prestigious research grants. As a result of these grants, however, she was able to carry out pioneering studies on depth perception with Richard Walk. When Cornell, home to Titchener’s legacy, removed its nepotism rules in 1966, only then did she become a full professor. Furthermore, as discussed in the course, African-Americans have also made outstanding contributions to psychology. Kenneth and Mamie Phipps Clark again come to mind in terms of their best known research titled Racial identification and preference in Negro children (Goodwin, 2009). In this research it was shown that black children showed a preference for white dolls over black ones when asked which they would like to play with and looked more like. The Clarks concluded, according to Goodwin (2009) that one insidious effect of racial segregation was its negative influence on African-American self-esteem. As a result of this research, in part, the Supreme Court was compelled to do the right thing and reverse the racist separate but equal doctrine in Brown v. Board of Education. The Clarks’ contribution to psychology and the contributions of other AfricanAmericans preceding them were not without struggle. Their mentor at Howard University, Francis Sumner faced huge obstacles when attempting to get a graduate degree and gain employment in academia. African-Americans have often had their basic intellectual abilities questioned (Goodwin, 2009). The legacy of white racism and of the field of psychology’s complicity by not taking a firmer stand until only recently is without question a significant reason why African-Americans remain heavily underrepresented in the profession, in spite of the gains made for women. 60 percent of doctorates in psychology are awarded to women today, while Native Americans as we discussed and African-Americans continue to be awarded a paltry percentage in turn. Such dismal figures have nothing to do with intelligence. We know that early intelligence tests were normed on just Caucasian, middle-class populations and only recently has such bias been addressed and perhaps abated. This also was the case for the MMPI personality tests as well. In the case of the MMPI, many of the original items became dated and according to Kassin (2008), to bring the test up to the 21st century and more postmodern views, new items were written in, and a more diverse cross-section of the US was sampled. The result of that updating is the newer 567-item version called the MMPI-2. In reflection, my guess is that similar advances have been made or are being considered in IQ testing as well; otherwise we would have to call into question whether biased IQ tests are valid for minority groups. Accordingly, great care should be taken when formulating test questions as well as interpreting the results of test-takers from different cultural groups and urban tribes. Fundamentally, it is crucial that test makers be made aware of cultural differences when putting together IQ test questions, as recommended for the MMPI (Church 2001). Exercising caution does not mean  minority groups are treated with kid gloves, but rather that a lens of understanding is in place and that can come about as a result of the test makers and assessors informing themselves. Otherwise an IQ tests validity for minority groups is at issue. Pre-modern, modern and postmodern frames of reference have all helped shape important, contemporary psychological theories and issues. Accordingly, I have attempted in a reflective manner to revisit the areas of psychology’s history we covered in course. If psychology as a profession is to continue to grow and develop, it will occur through a similar process of reflection, followed by action. It is important for psychology to know its origins, its history and respective story. However, in realization of the depth of ethnocentric monoculturalism, its leadership, particularly in the APA, must act on the call to bring about the inclusion of more minorities. Otherwise, the oppressive stain of monoculturalism shall abound and continue to blemish the profession we hold dear. References Angell, J.R. (1904). Psychology. New York: Holt. Church, A.T. (2001). Personality measurement in cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Personality, 69, 979-1006. Danner, N. (2011). Psychology: ORG5001 survey of psychology I. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions. Freud, S. (1924) A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. New York: Washington Square Press (reprinted 1952). Glassman, W (Ed.). (2000) Approaches to psychology. Philadelphia: Open University Press. Goodwin, C.J. (2009) A history of modern psychology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Gross, R. (Ed.). (1996) Psychology, the study of mind and behavior. London: Hodder Stoughton. Kassin, S., (2008). Psychology in Modules: ORG 5002 Survey of psychology II. New York: Pearson Custom Publishing. Rogers, C.R. (1961) On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Smith, D. (1982) Trends in counseling and psychology. American Psychologist, 37, 802–809. Watson, J.B. (1913) Psychology as the behaviorist views it. Psychological Review, 20, 15877. Watson, J.B. Rayneer, R. (1920) Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3, 1-14. Wozniak,R. (1992) Mind and body: Renà © Descartes to William James. Retrieved from Yutrzenka, B.A., Todd-Bazemore, E., Caraway, S.J. (1999). Four winds: The evolution of culturally inclusive clinical psychology training for Native Americans. International Review of Psychiatry, 11, 129- 135. ProQuest: 43479524.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Chronicle Of A Death Foretold :: essays research papers

It was rainy on the day of Santiago Nasar’s murder, and yet by the account of others, it was not. His death is so mingled with illusory images that everything seems mystified: much like death itself. The fact that the story is about how a death consumes the lives of the entire town as well as the victim, shows that it is concerned with death in life and asks us to evaluate our own views. Not only is the story concerned with death in life on the literary level, but the people of the town feel obliged to honor and offer gifts to a bishop that doesn’t even like the town. It is perhaps because they fear if they do not keep their faith, they are putting in jeopardy their fate after death; this is the primary concern of all religions, life after death and fear of the unknown. "For years we couldn’t talk about anything else. . .and it was obvious that we weren’t doing it from an urge to clear up mysteries but because none of us could go on living without an exact knowledge of the place and the mission assigned to us by fate"(113). "‘All right, girl,’ he said to her, trembling with rage, ‘tell us who it was’. . .’Santiago Nasar,’ she said"(53). Whether or not Santiago Nasar was the reason behind Angela Vicario’s lost honor, his death shapes and defines her life afterwards. Many in the town describe her as being a woman half in mourning and the narrator is amazed at how she ends up understanding her own life despite how much she was made to die in life(101). Chronicle of a Death Fortold makes us look at life and death and face uncertainty about our future. Because it questions death and our belief in religion, it depreciates, in a sense, our

Thursday, October 24, 2019

English as the Official Language Essay

For so many years in the world, it is undeniable that the English language has been used as a medium of communication. Many countries are using the English language for its people to understand each other. Today, the American English is peculiarly influential, due to the fact that the United States has become the center of excellence in terms of popular music, television programs, business and technology, film making and many others (â€Å"History of the English Language†). Although there are myriad kinds of English language spoken around the world like Australian English, Indian English and Canadian English, the dominance of the English language is the primary reason that its utilization as an official language in the United States of America should be pushed through. Therefore, it is claimed in this paper that it is proper and tenable for the American English to be considered and approved by the government as the official language of the United States of America. There are three major reasons why it is proper for the American English to be approved as the official language of the United States of America. First, American English is widely used in many countries in the world that makes the United States of America as a melting pot of many races. Second, the American English is the best communicative tool for the understanding of individuals in terms of political, economic, spiritual, physical and educational development. Third, it has been proven for so many years that the use of America English has caused improvement of the country in general. With that, it cannot be denied that the most influential and dominant language in the world is American English. The Dominance of the American English Language American English is widely used in many countries in the world that makes the United States of America as a melting pot of many races. There are many people around the world who have chosen to migrate in the United States of America. The reasons of their migration are to find a greener pasture or to enjoy the freedom and affluence that they can get in the country by chance or opportunity. The country is known for its democratic and representative governance, such that many races are confident enough that America can make their dreams come true. In connection with that, speaking the American English language is an indispensable tool to become a successful immigrant in the country. Therefore, majority of immigrants are also speaking the same language as used by the Americans, making the language the most widely used communicative tool in the land. A study was conducted by the U. S. Census Bureau and released findings that literacy and fluency in English is necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency (Burt 1). Immigrants who can speak well in American English language are most likely profitable in their jobs and business while staying in the United States. Since almost 22% who held jobs in the United States are foreign-born, their ability to speak English has a great impact on the economic improvement of the country (Burt 1). That is the main reason why immigrants wanted to learn English as a second language, which adds to the dominance of the same language in the United States of America. Is it not a sign of additional resources for the economic and political progress of the country? Yes, it is. The numerous foreign-born workers in the country contribute to the economic development in one way or another. The native-born workers and businessmen can communicate well with immigrants adding more chances for economic improvements.  Ã‚     Hence, making the American English Language as official in the United States is proper. American English Language: The Best Communicative Tool The American English is the best communicative tool for the understanding of individuals in terms of political, economic, cultural, spiritual, physical and educational development. It has been said that a language is a systematic medium of communication through the use of sounds or conventional symbols (Manivannan 1). For so many years, the American English has been considered as one of the principal assets of the country for political, economic, cultural, spiritual, physical and educational development. There are myriad reasons why American English language is the best communicative tool in the whole world. In order to conduct political activities such as elections, foreign affairs, decision-making and policy-making, the use of the American English language is necessary. Journals and books on business matters and other economic conditions are generally printed in American English language, which makes all the people to learn the language. Tourists are enthusiastic to learn the same language because it could help them in enjoying the wonderful sites of the country. The enjoyment of American literature depicted in films and television programs reached across many nations which is the means for other races to learn the richness of the American culture. The American invasion is still effective by the dominance of our language which makes our products and services appealing to the whole world. Aside from that, there are many students in other countries who wanted to study in the United States of America. Their contribution in the academe is very important as well as their willingness to learn the language. Hence, all the people who live in America become united due to the influence and dominance of the American English language. Do we need to prevent the approval in making the American English language the official one, knowing that it is useful to us? No, we cannot afford to do so. Therefore, the arguments to support the approval of making the American English language as official are meritorious. The Advantages of the American English Language It is not denied that the American language is a principal asset for political and economic development of the country. The English language is also used as a preferred language for the conveyance of international business and scientific studies (Lian 1). In addition, it is easy to sell American products for American English language is widely used in advertisements and promotions worldwide. A foreign-born individual mentioned that, being fluent in American English is a ladder to successful business and other carrier endeavors (â€Å"The Importance of English in Modern World†). We were able to attract many intelligent individuals through the English language and everything we have is a standard for other countries. In all aspects in life, the said language is useful and also pervasive that it reaches in all parts of the world. Conclusion We are all fortunate to have a language that makes our country a center of commerce, excellence in education and culture and influential in politics. Our country is a strategic place because the American English is widely used in many countries in the world that makes the United States of America as a melting pot of many races. Since the American English is the best communicative tool for the understanding of individuals in terms of political, economic, spiritual, physical and educational development, we are confident that we remain in power all over the world. Finally, the use of America English has caused improvement of our country in general. As conclusion, there is still no doubt that making the English American language as official in the United States of America is proper and meritorious.   Works Cited Burt, Miriam. â€Å"Issues in Improving Immigrant Worker’s English Language Skills†. December 2003. 2 February 2009 â€Å"History of the English Language†. 2009. English Club. 2 February 2009 . Lian Li, Khaw. 2008. Khawlilian. 2 February 2009 <>. Manivannan, G. 2006. Using English Website. 2 February 2009 < http://www.>. â€Å"The Importance of English in Modern World†. 17 November 2007. MSN Content Website. 2 February 2009 .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Profit and Loss Essay

Profit and loss accounts, balance sheets Profit and loss accounts, balance sheets Two of the most important financial statements for a business are the Profit and Loss Account, and the Balance Sheet. The Profit and Loss Account shows the profit or loss of a business over a given period of time e. g. 3 months, 1 year, etc. In contrast, the Balance Sheet is like a photograph taken at an instant in time giving a picture of what the business owns and what the business owes at that moment in time. As we shall see it will always balance because what the business owns is financed by what the business owes. The Profit and Loss (P&L account) Net profit takes account of other sources of income and expenditure that are not involved in normal operations e. g. interest paid on loans and interest received on having a positive balance in a bank account. Turnover – is the value of sales made in a trading period. It is some eferred to as sale revenue and is calculated by the average price of items sold x the number sold. Cost of sales – calculates the direct costs of manufacturing items, or buying in items to sell them on. Expenses – are the overhead costs of running a business. These overheads can’t be tied down to particular cost units. For example, it would be very difficult to calculate what fraction of the heating cost of a pen factory can be allocated to just one pen. The Balance Sheet is a statement showing the assets, liabilities and owner’s capital of a business at a particular Downloaded from The100 Edition – http://www. he100. co. uk moment in time, for example the year end. T he Balance Sheet balances because the assets that a business possesses at a specific time have been financed either through the provision of capital by the owner’s or by the creation of external liabilities: Value of assets = Value of Liabilities Value of Owner’s capital. There are a number of things that we can see from looking at a balance sheet, for example: 1. The Net Assets of the business, i. e. the difference between the value of the assets and the value of the liabilities. A growth in net assets tends to indicate a growing business. 2. How solvent the business is. In other words, does it have enough assets that are short term, and hence easily converted into cash, to pay any pressing short-term liabilities. Case Example: A typical balance sheet will be set out in the following way (note that we use two columns. The first column is for minor calculations, the second column is for grand totals): Balance Sheet of Superior Traders, as at 31st December 2004 Fixed assets consist of those items that are kept within the business to create wealth over a period of time e. . machinery, equipment, vehicles, computers, etc. Current assets are used in the short period to generate income for a business. For example, in a manufacturing company like Kraft, stocks would represent products that have already been made and are waiting to be sold onto retailers. Typically stocks will be sold on credit for periods of one month, two months, or three months. Retailers buying s tocks on credit from Kraft would become Kraft’s debtors. At the end of the credit period they will pay up in the form of cash, enabling Kraft to buy more raw materials to create further stocks. Creditors due within one year are the sums that a business owes money to in the short period – otherwise known as current liabilities. Net current assets is a measure of how solvent or liquid a business is. Many businesses need to have working capital. Working capital is calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current assets: Working capital = Current assets – Current liabilities Note that the figure for net current assets appear almost in the centre of a balance sheet, and is a figure that many people will look at first to check on the solvency of a business. Total assets – current liabilities is a sum that appears in the balance sheet simply doing what the title suggests. Creditors due after more than one year shows the longer term liabilities of the bsiness. Total net assets is calculated by taking away all the liabilities (both current and long term) from all of the assets (both current and long term). Shareholders’ funds shows the value of the shareholders capital in the business. It will always be the same value as the total net assets and it balances the account. Downloaded from The100 Profit and loss accounts, balance sheets Profit and loss accounts, balance sheets Two of the most important financial statements for a business are the Profit and Loss Account, and the Balance Sheet. The Profit and Loss Account shows the profit or loss of a business over a given period of time e. g. 3 months, 1 year, etc. In contrast, the Balance Sheet is like a photograph taken at an instant in time giving a picture of what the business owns and what the business owes at that moment in time. As we shall see it will always balance because what the business owns is financed by what the business owes. The Profit and Loss (P&L account) One of the most important objectives of a business is to make a profit. The P&L account shows the extent to which it has been successful in achieving this objective. Companies are expected to keep their P&L accounts in certain formats. Typically the P&L account will show the revenues received by a business and the costs involved in generating that revenue. In simple terms: Revenues – Costs = Profits. A typical P&L account will look like the following: Case Study: P&L Account for Superior Traders as at 31/12/2004 You can find out the gross profit of a business by deducting cost of sales from turnover: ? 100,000 – ? 50,000 = ? 0,000 You can find out the operating profit by deducting the expenses from the gross profit: ? 50,000 – ? 30,000 = ? 20,000 You may also come across the term net profit. Operating profit is earned from carrying out a businesses normal operations e. g. producing confectionery, or selling Christmas cards. Net profit takes account of other sources of income and expenditure that are not involved in normal operations e. g. interest paid on loans and interest received on having a positive balance in a bank account. Turnover – is the value of sales made in a trading period. It is sometimes referred to as sale revenue and is calculated by the average price of items sold x the number sold. Cost of sales – calculates the direct costs of manufacturing items, or buying in items to sell them on. Expenses – are the overhead costs of running a business. These overheads can’t be tied down to particular cost units. For example, it would be very difficult to calculate what fraction of the heating cost of a pen factory can be allocated to just one pen. The Balance Sheet is a statement showing the assets, liabilities and owner’s capital of a business at a particular Downloaded from The Times 100 Edition – oment in time, for example the year end. The Balance Sheet balances because the assets that a business possesses at a specific time have been financed either through the provision of capital by the owner’s or by the creation of external liabilities: Value of assets = Value of Liabilities Value of Owner’s capital. The re are a number of things that we can see from looking at a balance sheet, for example: 1. The Net Assets of the business, i. e. the difference between the value of the assets and the value of the liabilities. A growth in net assets tends to indicate a growing business. Creditors due within one year are the sums that a business owes money to in the short period – otherwise known as current liabilities. Net current assets is a measure of how solvent or liquid a business is. Many businesses need to have working capital. Working capital is calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current assets: Working capital = Current assets – Current liabilities Note that the figure for net current assets appear almost in the centre of a balance sheet, and is a figure that many people will look at first to check on the solvency of a business. Total assets – current liabilities is a sum that appears in the balance sheet simply doing what the title suggests. Creditors due after more than one year shows the longer term liabilities of the bsiness. Total net assets is calculated by taking away all the liabilities (both current and long term) from all of the assets (both current and long term). Shareholders’ funds shows the value of the shareholders capital in the business. It will always be the same value as the total net assets and it balances the account. Downloaded from The Times 100 Edition.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

When To Apply For College Complete Timeline

When To Apply For College Complete Timeline SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Manystudents start college in the fall after they graduate high school, but their planning and applying starts yearsbefore. Application deadlines may be in the fall or winter of senior year, and completing each step on the path to college mightstartas early as freshman year. This article is concerned with when to apply for college: when do you complete each step of the process, and when are your college deadlines? After reading this, you'll know exactly when to apply to college and what steps are needed. Let's first consider what the majority of students do. When Do the Majority of Students Apply to College? Most students apply to college in their senior year of high school. They graduate in May or Juneand then start college in Septemberof that same year. There are a few different deadlines, and schools offer variousoptions for when to apply forcollege. These options include one or more of the following: early decision, early action, regular decision, and rolling admissions. Generally speaking, you would apply for early admissions in November of 12th grade. To meet a regular decision deadline, you’d apply a few months later in January or February. Let’s take a look at each deadline in more specific detail, starting with early decision and early action. When Do You Apply for Early Admissions? Early admissions includes two options, early decision and early action. While early decision and early action differ in terms of their conditions, they share similar timelines. Both have a deadline in November and allow you to hear back about your admissions decision in mid-December. Some popular schools with early action deadlines of November 1 are Boston College, CalTech, Georgetown, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, University of Virginia, Villanova, and Yale. Popular early decision schools with a November 1 deadline include Boston University, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, NYU, University of Pennsylvania, and Vanderbilt. Some schools with early decisionnow also offer an Early Decision II deadline, which is in January. This binding option lets you hear back early from your first choice school, usually in February, about whether or not you got in.Some popular schools with Early DecisionII deadlines of January 1 are Bowdoin, Brandeis, Emory, NYU, Smith, Tufts, and Vanderbilt. Early admissions can be a great option for students who are prepared to apply early and appreciate early notification. If you're planning to apply early, when do you complete each step of the process? Your College Planning Timeline for Early Deadlines Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither should your application be. You need to take time filling out your application, thoughtfully writing about your extracurricular involvement, and proofreading all of the information for errors. Apart from filling out your app, you'll have to take time fulfilling other requirements. Three that demand the most planning and time are your personal essay, recommendation letters and SAT or ACT scores. You should spend a few months thinking about and writing your personal essay. Giving yourself space to brainstorm and mull over ideas is an important part of the writing process that can take weeks. Since your essay is such an important part of your application, you should spend a couple of months drafting, getting feedback, and revising it until it feels precise and authentic, almost like a work of art. To meet an early deadline, you might begin working on it over the summer before senior year. While it's rare that the Common App changes its essay prompts, they have done so in the past. Common App announced these changes in August. Keep this in mind when working on your essay, but don't worry about drastic changes in the questions. Generally speaking, they all ask you tocommunicatesomething important about your identity and show how you make meaning of significant experiences in your life. A second piece of your application that requires your attention early on is your recommendation letters. You should ask your counselor and teachers at least a month before your deadlines, likely by the end of September. You might also ask your junior year teachers at the end of 11th grade. Apart from making the request, you should also spend a week or so thinking about and filling out your "brag sheet," so that your recommenders have some thoughtful material to consult when they begin to write. Finally,you want to leave yourself plenty of time to take the SAT or ACT. You might take the tests two or three times to achieve your target scores. You also would benefit from several months to study and improve. To apply for an early deadline, you'd ideally have your test scores all set by the end of junior year. You might be able to take the tests in September or October of senior year, but these dates should be a last resort, rather than a "make or break" test date. To reiterate, you'll want to work on your essays a few months before your November deadlines, ask for recommendationsin junior year or September of senior year, and start prepping and planning for the SAT or ACT at the end of 10th or beginning of 11th grade. Applying early to college isan increasingly popular option among students, but the majority of students still apply under regular decision. Read on to learn about regular decision deadlines and how they impact your college planning. When Do You Apply Under Regular Decision? The most commonregular decision deadlinesare in January and February. January 1 is a common date, making for a busy winter break! January 15 and January 31 are popular ones, too. Some schoolswith regular decision January 1 deadlines are Boston University, Harvard, NYU, and Yale, among many others. Students who apply under regular decision usually hear back about their admissions decisions in March or April. Since regular decision deadlines are in the winter, how does your college planning schedule differ from that to meet an early deadline? Your College Planning Timeline for RegularDeadlines Does your timeline match the one described above for early deadlines except pushed forward two to three months? Yes and no. You have to consider how busy the fall of senior year is, both for you and for your teachers and counselors. If your schedule is packed with challenging courses and after school involvements, then you still might want to work on your essay over the summer months, when you have more time and focus for it. You also might still ask for your recommendations in September, or at least October. Some teachers set a cap on how many letters they'll write, and they probably don't want to spend their entire winter holiday writing letters. Try to ask early in the fall semester. You might have one more opportunity to take the SAT or ACT, like in December. It's still advisable to take it at least once in junior year, and many students take it twice - in the fall of 11th grade and again in the spring. Again, you want to think about your schedule in the fall and how to best balance putting together a strong college application with all your other assignments, clubs, and/or sports. Finally, some schools don’t have set deadlines at allandare flexible about when applications arrive. This option is called rolling admissions. When Do You Apply for Rolling Admissions? Your timeline for applying rolling admissions depends on a few factors and may vary from student to student. Schools with rolling admissions accept applications throughout a period of time, usually ranging from the fall to the spring. The University of Virginiaopens its application window on September 1, for instance. Since most schools with rolling admissionsaccept applicationson a first come, first served basis - sometimes notifying you of admission only a few weeks after you submit - it’s advisable to apply as early as possible. Sticking to an early deadline of November or regular deadline in January, even though you don’t absolutely have to, is a good guideline to follow. Not only will setting a deadline for yourselfhelp you keep better track of your college planning, but it will help you apply early and thereby impress admissions officers and gaina better chance of admission. Some schools with rolling admission also publicize a priority deadline, meaning students who apply by that deadline have an advantage. UVA’s priority deadline, for instance, is November 30. They’ll still accept applications after, but you’ll have improved chances if you apply by then. So far, this article assumes that you’re applying as a senior to go right into college. Of course, not all students immediately move ontocollege after graduating. Some choose to take a gap year or apply later in life. Others actually get a headstart on college and apply even younger. When do these students apply? When Do You Apply If You're Not a High School Senior? There are other timelines for applying to college besides the typical one that culminates in senior year.Maybe you want to work for a year or two before entering college. Maybe you have the opportunity to volunteer abroad or travel the world. Perhaps you graduated years ago and are now thinking about going back to school for your degree. In these cases, you'll still apply to meet the same early or regular deadlines or rolling admissions time frame. However, you might need to leave yourself extra time to collect all your application materials. Let’s consider each of the above situations individually. "I Want to Take a Gap Year" If this sounds like you, when do you apply for college? Actually, your timeline might still involve applying senior year. Lots of schools allow you to defer your admissions decision for a year. That means you would still apply by an early or regular deadline, or rolling admissions, and then if you got accepted, you'd defer your enrollment for one academic year. You might be thinking that you want to travel and then figure out where to go to college. This could be a good option too, but remember that your deadlines might still be in January. That meansyou’ll still need to have your SAT scores finalized, letters of recommendation gathered, and essays written throughout the fall. Not all that much time will have passed since highschool, so it could be a lot easier to get everything collectedwhile you’re still in the swing of schooland used to being a student. If you’ve been out of school already for a year or two, then that’s a different story. "I'm Going Back to College After a Year or More Off" If you’ve been out of high school for a while, then you’ll probably have to reconnect with your school for teacher and counselor recommendations and official documents, like your transcript. if you haven’t taken the SAT or ACT yet, then you may have to study and take one of those tests as well. Your deadlines will be in November or December, as mentioned above, and you’ll mostly wantto follow similar steps, like asking for recommendationsat least a month before your deadlines and leaving yourself a couple opportunities to prep for and take the SAT or ACT. If you've been out of school for several years, then colleges might not require you take the SAT or ACT as they would a high school student. You'll want to contact the colleges early to find out whether or not you need to prep for and take one of these exams. It’d be advisable to leave yourself extra time so that you can meet with your recommenders and help them write you a letter. Since you’re nota current student, you’ll want to have extra time to set up appointments with faculty and gather all the documents you need. Finally, when do students apply if they want to graduate high school earlierthan senior year? "I'm Graduating High School Early" There are rare advanced students who earn enough credits, perhaps from courses at a local community college or online, to graduate high school early and go straight into college at a young age. These students push their timeline earlier by a year or two, taking the SATor ACTas freshmen or sophomores, and gathering all their documents early. If this sounds like you, you'll probably wantto work closely with your counselors, administrators, and teachers to make sure they agree with your choice. You might take your tests in freshmen and sophomore year, ask your sophomore year teachers for recommendations, and apply in the fall or winter of your junior year. You may also have to take the GED to earn the equivalent of your high school diploma. Make sure you've met all graduation requirements and, of course, have concrete, realistic reasons for graduating high school early and enrolling in college. The aforementioned situations are exceptions rather than the rule, but can be great options if they apply to your situation and needs. In closing, let's review when most students submit their applications to colleges. ToSum Up... We've covered all the important details of when to apply for college. The majority of students apply tocollege in January or February of their senior year to meet regular decision deadlines. They hear back in April and choose a college by the national response date of May 1. Other students might apply in November with early decision or early action, or through a range of time with rolling admissions. To meet deadlines, college planning must start at least a year or two out. This includes prepping for the SATor ACTand writing essays, but it alsoincludesthe time it takes to reflect on your interests, explore new ones, and think deeply about where you'd like to go to college. As you explore and develop in high school, you should be thinking about your goals and what college communities wouldprovide you with the intellectual climate and opportunities to thrive. This journey starts early in high school, and of course continues throughout the rest of your life. What’sNext? Now that you have a sense of when to start applying for college, what aboutspecific deadlines forschools? This guide hasthe full list of early decision deadlines, and this one has the complete list of early action deadlines. Are you a younger student interested in getting more involved in community service?Learn all about community service here, plus check out the 9 best places to volunteer. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Baroque Era essays

Baroque Era essays Humanism symbolizes an intellectual movement that begun in Verona. Humanist had faith in and emphasized the dignity and worth of the individual. That faith turned into the rediscovery of culture of classical antiquity, which contains elements of literature, history, rhetoric, ethics, and politics. A basic premise of humanism is that people are rational beings who possess within themselves the capacity for truth and goodness. This Renaissance revival of Greek and Roman studies emphasized the value of the classics for their own sake, rather than for their bearing to Christianity. Furthermore, the movement of Humanism had a major impact and influence in the Renaissance with a different mind set on how human beings view life. This movement made an impression on the elements of literature, visual arts, and music of those times. The humanist movement started in Italy, where the four early figures Francesco Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio, Giorgio Vasari, and Lorenzo Valla contributed greatly to the discovery and preservation of classical works. Petrarch, a Latin scholar, dedicated his life in studying golden wisdom of the ancients. Golden wisdom pertained to proper conduct of ones private life, rational governance of the state, the enjoyment of beauty, and the quest for truth. One of the first Westerners to study Greek was Boccoccio whom was a great writer. Vasari, invented the word rinascita (renaissance) for the reason that there was no Latin word for rebirth. Vasaris term was applied to the fine arts that had developed out of early humanism, but the term now describes an era that consciously freed itself from medievalism. Valla another Renaissance dedicated scholar of immense learning dared to challenge any authority and translated Herodotos and Thucydides into Latin. Furthermore, Petrach and other humanist all wrote in the same language, the vernacular language which became the accepted la...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Write Argumentative Essay (Step-by-Step)

How To Write Argumentative Essay (Step-by-Step) How to write a perfect argumentative essay Outline Topics list Tips on writing Writing an argumentative essay involves conducting an in-depth research of a specific topic. Argumentative essays require solid evidence to support your view about the topic. A good argumentative essay entails applying analytical skills to describe the topic.   Any good essay needs to provide a detailed explanation to persuade the reader. Suitable essay topics usually generate strong arguments that support the topic by refuting claims made by other individuals to convince readers. Writing a perfect argumentative essay is requires an extensive research covering all aspects of topic, its important to know the target audience, knowing the target audience will guide the author to carefully select his words avoiding specific terms that might be considered offensive to certain groups of individuals Planning stage The first step of writing a perfect essay is to plan and prepare how the essay would look like.   Planning process entails reviewing different topics to choose a good topic that can generate good arguments. Look through a list of several topics to select the final topic. A good topic should generate two different conflicting views with varied conclusions. After picking the topic, the author can test his topic to analyze if the topic can generate two contrary opinions if subjected to discussion among specific groups. Testing the topic is an important step that helps the author refines his ideas to settle on a topic for the essay. The structure of an argumentative essay Outline If the essay topic supports Why tobacco smoking should be banned, the following outline would guide the author to present a good essay. Introduction Introduce the topic develop a hook and provide a brief background of the topic, for example; Tobacco smoking is the leading causes of death; approximate 5 million die annually. The introduction should be followed by a thesis statement. Tobacco smoking especially public places should be banned. Develop an argument After making a claim that tobacco smoking is the leading the leading cause of death, the author should provide evidence why smoking public should be banned. The author needs to provide at least three evidence supporting his claim by providing statistics or research finding on the topic. The needs to highlight some of the dangers associated with smoking. Refuting other claims In this section, the author should oppose the opponent arguments with substantial evidence to support his viewpoint. Conclusion The conclusion should be the last paragraph at the end of the essay. Conclusion restates the key points discussed. The conclusion should present what would happen if the authors argument is not supported. Argumentative Topics List When introducing the topic to the audience, the writer needs to present the issue at hand by providing the background and also presenting the main argument.   The opening statement needs to be arranged in a logical manner. An argumentative topic should be original and catchy that anybody would want to know more about the discussion. Below are examples of argumentative topics: Is freedom of speech giving people more space for hate speech Dangerous   criminal   deserve death sentences Breastfeeding in public is acceptable Parenting classes should be mandatory for all first-time parents Are there risks of online transactions Why internet censorship is necessary How the current education system is relevant Homeschooling is a basic learning alternative University degree is necessary for future success. Education has been commercialized Drinking age should not be reduced Mothers have more roles in a family Marijuana should not be legalized Good communication is an important element in a relationship Facebook invades our privacy International criminal court is fair in its judgments Academic grading is not helpful Modern art is not real art Abortion   is murder Teaching is the best profession Tips on writing an argumenative essay An argumentative essay body should be presented into three main segments. The first part of the essay body is the topic sentence. A topic sentence introduces the main point of arguments in a coherent sentence. For example, if a topic sentence talks about death penalty being inhuman and should be abolished, the audience know what to expect. The second segment of an argumentative body is a paragraph that analyzes the topic argument. In this paragraph, the writer should state why he supports the claim. The next paragraph needs to provide supportive evidence for the claim. Evidence provides a detailed explanation about the authors claims. The body of an argumentative essay should include a claim and evidence of these claims. Claims are statements used to support the arguments. For example, if the topic is about bugs being nutritious and eating them will minimize hunger and malnutrition. The author needs to support any claim by evidence.   For every claim made the writer needs to support the allegation with concrete evidence. Evidence are factual knowledge from reliable sources that are well researched. For example, when presenting evidence, the statement needs to state that, research conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization reveals that termite is rich in protein and other micronutrients essential for our body. It is important to state three different sources of evidence to back the claim. After gathering evidence and supporting the claim, the next step is to oppose the opponent arguments. When writing an argumentative essay, its important to support your arguments also support why you do not agree with claims presented by the opposition. The essay body contains all the relevant information about the topic of discussion with logical explanations from two opposing sides, but the author should present strong points for his counterarguments. After the counterargument, the author needs to state his point of view again providing further evidence about his position. A credible argumentative essay needs to incorporate relevant quotes from approved sources like journals. When using quotes or facts, it important to use credible sources and gives credit to the persons ideas being used in the essay. Argumentative essay is like having a rhetorical situation which requires persuasive language to persuade readers towards a particular direction. Argumentative essay aims at convincing readers based on the authors view. When concluded the essay, it important to state why you support the idea by stating the significance of the topic. The audience needs to be informed about consequences of supporting the authors arguments. The conclusion needs to convince the audience about the topic arguments. Editing and finalizing the paper After writing an essay, editing is important to make the essay look professional. Editing involves checking for spelling mistakes and essay format. Grammar mistakes make a good essay look unprofessional. A well-structured paper with proper grammar and formatting makes the essay credible.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organizational Behavior and Culture - Assignment Example ? astounding success was Sheets’ efforts to professionalize the business by, among other things, putting the movers in uniforms, having them carry business cards and training them in customer service. Setting up the training facility also gave both her employees and franchisees a chance to enrich their jobs through the acquisition of new skills and ways to conduct their businesses and these gave them ultimate competitive advantage. Having all done so, Sheets has fulfilled the esteem, belongingness, and even self-actualization needs of her staff and business partners which in turn motivated them to perform better either as individuals or as teams. Like Mary Ellen Sheets in Case 1, Klaus Kleinfeld of Siemens is motivated by the need to become a self-actualized individual. A global citizen, he embraces change and pulls his organization along with him. Through his unwavering commitment, Kleinfeld was able to show a conventional company and its employees what they can expect to gain from their added efforts and dynamic performance in the long run. The cross-functional teams he created likewise expanded business opportunities for Siemens with their concerted actions and cooperation which were unheard of in traditional business settings. Kleinfeld and his self-motivated teams are slowly but surely directing Siemens towards becoming globally competitive

Critically evaluate the evidence suggesting that mTOR inhibitors can Essay

Critically evaluate the evidence suggesting that mTOR inhibitors can help induce tolerance to foreign antigens and discuss the i - Essay Example It integrates the cell signals that give information about the energy status of the cell, nutritional status, mitochondrial potential, oxygen tension, aminoacids, ATP, and growth signals. During nutritional deficiency, the mTOR signaling becomes active and increases the protein synthesis and increases the cell size. If something is lacking inside the cell, then mTOR will decrease the protein synthesis and thus decreases the cell size and there by reduces the energy expenditure of the cell and prevents cell proliferation. The mechanical induced overload-hypertropy is due to the mTOR and their activity is inhibited by the introduction of Rapamycin. (Polunovsky and Houghton, 2010). Immune system consists of many types of regulatory cells. The regulatory cells contribute to the immune tolerance and immune homeostasis through many different mechanisms. The manipulation of these cells therapeutically to improve the transplant tolerance has become the most important field of interest nowada ys. The important subsets of T cells are the CD4 (helper T cells) and CD 8 (Cytotoxic T cells) cells. Of these two types, CD4 T cells are called as regulatory or suppressor T cells. These cells are responsible for the immune toleran ce. (Fernandez 2010). These cells instead of increasing the immune response, decreases it there by enabling the transplant to get adapted to the body. They play an important role in auto immune reaction. The balance between the regulatory and the effector T cells are much necessary for the immune response and also for the controlling of many diseases. The developments of these regulatory cells are mediated by the mammalian target of rapamycin signaling protein. (mTOR protein complex). Rapamycin is isolated from the soil bacterium Streptomyces hygroscopicus. Rapamycin is commonly used as the immune suppressive drug in the transplant recipients and also found to inhibit the intracellular kinase of mTOR. (Polunovsky and Houghton, 2010). mTOR the check point protein kinase was found to have a major effect on the cell proliferation and growth, it is also found to have many downstream targeting based on phosphorylation of the protein. The major inputs for this protein are obtained from the growth factors and growth hormones such as insulin, IGF-1 and IGF-2 and some extracellular amino acids. (Polunovsky and Houghton, 2010).mTOR can also identify the status of the energy requirements and the redox level of the cell. Considerable progress has been made in understanding the signaling network only after the identification of the mTOR protein kinase. If this pathway is dysregulated in the human system, it leads to certain diseases in the human, most importantly some cancers. So a detailed study about the protein is very important. mTORs are high molecular weight molecules with many conserved structural domains. They contain 2549 amino acids with N-terminal containing 20 tandem HEAT repeats. (Hay and Sonenberg 2004). mTOR contains two protein complexes mTORC1 and mTORC2. mTORC1 is the main upstream centre for growth factors, stress signals and nutrients. They also help to convert the anabolic and catabolic pathways of the cell for the normal functioning. The mTORC1 cell signaling is high associated with the human cancer. The signaling network of the mTOR contains many oncogenes such as EGFR, PDGFR, PI3K, Ras, Raf, S6K1, Akt and tumor suppressors such as PTEN, LKB1, PDCD4, NF1 and REDD1. (Polunovsky

Friday, October 18, 2019

Snowblower Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Snowblower - Essay Example Every project faces constraints at the drawing stage. Constraints are the challenges or obstacles that affect an undertaking. It is therefore very important to analyze all constraints that a project may encounter before it begins. However, constraints do not imply a failure but they act as a guide to success. That being said, designing a snow blower is not an easy task because of the various designs in the market. Before we started the project, we were determined in producing an electric snow blower for a start before further engaging in producing gasoline or diesel powered snow blower machines. The following are just but a few of the constraints encountered and their significance (Kolisch, 1995). These constraints generally focus on architecture decisions that have a tendency to limit the project’s solution design. They therefore tend not to be flexible and static. They have a great impact on the implementation of the solution (Kolisch, 1995). Technical constraints in our case included materials, design, whether manual or computerized, type of engine whether electric or gasoline powered and the size of the snow blowers. This was very challenging because the mentioned constraints are very significant for the success of the project. These types of constraints are required due to the fact that the theme of our project aimed at designing something unique and not available in the market. This was a driving force for further innovation in the design of the snow blower. Quality is a vital constraint in a project because in designing a product, quality is fundamental for the customers to accept the product. It was very significant because our snow blower had to be a state of the yard invention that delivers the required workload as expected in a short time frame. Under this constraint, the idea was whether to develop a single stage or a two stage snow blower. Single stage machines use

Consequences and Implications of Afghanistan Assisting Baluch Research Paper

Consequences and Implications of Afghanistan Assisting Baluch Seperatists - Research Paper Example Still, there are multiple issues between the two countries, like Durand Line, the present war in Afghanistan, Taliban, the legacy of Soviet invasions and the issues pertaining to Baluchistan and Pashtunistan, which are impacting the relationships between the two nations. Pakistan has time and again objected to assistance being extended by Afghanistan to the Baluch separatists. It goes without saying that if the perception regarding the Afghan assistance to Baluch separatists continues to exist; this could have multiple consequences for the already unstable state of Afghanistan. Afghanistan shares multiple historical and economic continuities and discontinuities with Pakistan in a long term perspective. Existing Issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan The Durand Line established in 1893 as per an agreement between the British India and Amir Abdur Rahman Khan is a bone of contention between Pakistan and Afghanistan (Banuazizi & Weiner 6). Pakistan inherited the demarcation of the spher e of influence by the Durand Line, after its partition from India in 1947. As per the Afghan government, it still refuses to accept the Durand Line as a true arbitrator of the sphere of influence between the two nations (Roberts 168). ... There does not lay any formal agreement for the ratification of the Durand Line between the two countries (Burki 198). The relations between the two Islamic nations continue to be strained because it is a firm belief of the Afghan authorities that Pakistan tends to exert a negative influence on Afghanistan (Campbell 65). Afghanistan has time and again blamed the Pakistani intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of meddling in the internal affairs of Afghanistan by supporting and arming the Taliban and other militant groups (Crews & Tarzi 69). Pakistan has continually denied these allegations by offering the excuse that the Pak military and intelligence has never tried to destabilize Afghanistan and it is primarily the non-state actors in Pakistan that support and arm the militant groups operating in Afghanistan. With the augmenting support of the United States regarding an Afghan led invasion of the militant tribes on the Pak-Afghan borders, the relationships between th e two nations have further got strained. Afghanistan plays an important strategic role as far as the Pakistani strategy in response to any future conflict with India is concerned (Baxter & Kennedy 54). It is a firm belief of the Pakistani strategists that in the event of a war with India, it would be pragmatic to shift the Pakistani supply lines in Afghanistan, so as to prepare for a counter offensive against India. Many Pakistanis support these envisaged strategic ties considering the religious, cultural, historical, linguistic and ethnic bonds between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan has continued to exercise an important role in the regime shifts in Afghanistan in the past. Pakistan supported the Mujahedeen offensive against the Russians, the internal

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Treats design as art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Treats design as art - Assignment Example She emphasizes that in the contemporary times, designs need to be evolved to incorporate the important issues and compulsions of the times. The recessive economy, environment and sustainability of resources are vital issues where the designing of objects could make a significant impact. She says that designers are creative and have the ability to effectively use any material to make a difference to the world. She has accurately summed up the role of designers as the ‘biggest synthesizer in the world who (excels) in synthesizing the human needs’. Indeed, there design, sometimes may not be understood but the wider ramifications of those designs on the contemporary issues give them the necessary impetus to continue with their work. She concludes her talk by exhorting the designers to let go of their creativity in a way where they can visualize at different scales. She declares that design is not only aesthetic but it also serves the humanity through innovative input that facilitates to meet the challenges of the time. (272


THE VARIOUS TYPES OF SPREADSHEET PROGRAMS - Essay Example The success or failure of a business institution depends solely on the way it handles accounting. Accounting systems are responsible for analyzing and monitoring the financial condition of companies, preparation of documents necessary for tax purposes, providing information support to many other organizational functions, and so on. The origin of spreadsheets is primarily in the context of accounting applications having major uses with cashflow analysis, budgeting and planning. Its origins began primarily in the context of accountancy applications, which to this day still represent one of the spreadsheets major uses with cashflow analysis, budgeting and planning typical of such applications. Indeed, despite its versatility and use across a range of academic disciplines, the spreadsheet is largely viewed as a business tool with applications covering general administration, sales and marketing, manpower analysis, resource allocation, operational analysis and strategic planning, to name a few [2]. The spreadsheets are used both by highly skilled specialists to generate complex business reports as well as by beginners for routine low-level applications who are unaware of the real potential of spreadsheets. Earlier research by Pemberton and Robson (1995) concluded that, while the spreadsheet has become a natural feature of the business landscape, extent of usage is only one, albeit limited, performance measure with which to illustrate spreadsheet proliferation in business. In many cases, claims of expertise revolve around only the simplest of features, often at the lower end of the skills hierarchy [3]. Evolution of spreadsheets: Spreadsheets came into market in 1979 with the introduction of VisiCalc, the software allowing personal computer users the flexibility to perform simple operations without recourse to a mainframe computer. However, the specific term â€Å"spreadsheet† dates back with its earliest

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Treats design as art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Treats design as art - Assignment Example She emphasizes that in the contemporary times, designs need to be evolved to incorporate the important issues and compulsions of the times. The recessive economy, environment and sustainability of resources are vital issues where the designing of objects could make a significant impact. She says that designers are creative and have the ability to effectively use any material to make a difference to the world. She has accurately summed up the role of designers as the ‘biggest synthesizer in the world who (excels) in synthesizing the human needs’. Indeed, there design, sometimes may not be understood but the wider ramifications of those designs on the contemporary issues give them the necessary impetus to continue with their work. She concludes her talk by exhorting the designers to let go of their creativity in a way where they can visualize at different scales. She declares that design is not only aesthetic but it also serves the humanity through innovative input that facilitates to meet the challenges of the time. (272

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Questions 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Questions 2 - Essay Example Isaac Newtown (1642-1727) advanced the existent theories on astronomy and formulated a comprehensive model on the workings of the universe based on gravitational law (Hatch, Para 6). He is also accredited to have developed calculus through his theories. Newton advanced Copernicus’ hypothesis of the earth being a planet, and that the interplanetary space is empty. Johannes Keppler (1571-1630) developed the cosmographic mystery accounting for the planetary orbits. Keplerarian astronomy was also a credited with the heliocentric Copernican with uniform circular motion (Barrow, 56). Keppler defined the orbital characteristics of planets, and he thought he had exhausted the structural reality of the cosmos that he sought new celestial physics. He also had various contributions to mathematics (Hatch, Para 3). The scientific revolution had profound impacts on both religious and education beliefs. One of its consequences was the rise of skepticism such that a figure like Descartes even doubted its own existence. He later realized that his thinking proved his own existence. Another consequence of the scientific revolution was the challenge to religion where science proposed that the universe worked within mechanical laws, thus without God’s intervention. The friction between science and religion led to suffering of some of the pioneers of this revolution such as Galileo in the hands of the catholic church. The new science also led to decline in the belief of natural and demonic magic. Since there had been an established religious culture, science brought about the divide between the learned and the popular culture (Brian et. al. Chapter

Monday, October 14, 2019

Is Single Life or Married Life Better Essay Example for Free

Is Single Life or Married Life Better Essay In my culture, you used to be required to be married in order to be treated as a grown up or an adult. That concept had been in my culture for more than a thousand years. As time changed, that concept has somewhat changed too. Nowadays, being married in an option. Many people prefer to stay single and are living happily with their choices, but many others disagree. They think that you need to be married to achieve ultimate happiness. So, what are the differences between being married and being single? The three most popular arguments between a married life and a single life are freedom, social ife and finance. Let’s start with the first difference: freedom, since it is the first thing you give up when you marry to someone. Coming along with marriage is responsibilities, it means that you have to take care of your partner, your children, you cannot just decide to do anything on your own anymore. You can’t take off and do anything you want anymore, because most of your time will be dedicated to your family. So, whenever you want to go out with your friends, you need to ask your partner for permission. Things are ifferent when you are single. When you are single, you have full control over your life, you are not bound to any responsibility but your own. If you need to take a break from the stress from your work, you can just take off by yourself. When you want to go out with your friends, you don’t need to ask anyone’s permissions. In contrast, you have busy life taking care of you parent and your children, and you don’t get enough time to go out and enjoy yourself. If you’re married, you don’t have to worry about your social life. It won’t be a hassle if you ecide to go out or need someone to hang out with because your partner will always be there. Since you and your parent have become a package, your amount of friends will become double concluding your partner’s source of friends. You get to meet more people with more choices of activity. But, things are much more difficult for a single person than a married couple in social life. People who are single always have to worry about their companion whenever they are out. They don’t have such a stable friend or partner every time they go out. Instead, they need to call many friends before they find a suitable partner for the night, or they need to spend more time making new friends. Also their choices of activity are limited and predictable since there are only some activity for single person. So in comparison, people who are married will save time in finding a partner for their social activity with a lot more choices. Last but not least, finance. It is very controversy topic whether you will save more money staying single or earn more money being a married couple. According to Tom Van Riper on Forbes. com, married couples have the advantage in the short term compared to single life, where only 9. 3% of monthly gross income goes for rent compared with 23% for single, 5. 6% vs. 8. 3% for food, 1% vs. 1. 8% for cable television, and 1. 2% vs. 2. 8% for telephone bill. In addition, auto insurers place married couple in a lower risk class, saving them money on car insurance. On the other hand, once the children enter the picture, which can bring a married couple in financial trouble, a child’s cost can goes up to $4000 per onth ascending in ages. Despite the expenses, single people actually do better in buying houses. Annually, standard deduction for a single person is $4,750 per year, where married couple stands at $7,950 per year. Moreover, married couple tend to start saving for retirement early on, while singles generally wait until they’re 40, which means singles have more free cash in their pocket than married couple. As I stated in the introduction, nowadays, being single or married is a choice, which many eople choose differently according to the perks they encountered. But beyond the perks, you need to choose wisely with another point of view where you can acknowledge advantage and disadvantage of being single or married. Married life comes with responsibility, where you need make the correct decisions every day and taking care of your partner and your children; while single life offers freedom, escape from the burden of responsibilities, but lonely in the late years of your life. It has been always a tough decision.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Leadership Is a Process by Which a Person Influences Others

Leadership Is a Process by Which a Person Influences Others INTRODUCTION (UNDERSTANDING OF LEADERSHIP): Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. In other words, Leadership is also defined as process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal in a simple way. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills. We have traits that can influence our actions. This is called Trait Leadership. In that it was once common to believe that leaders were born rather than made. On the other hand, leadership of leader can be observed in Process theory of Leadership. The below diagram tells a difference between these processes of Leadership. LEADER: Leader must have an honest understanding of himself who is he, what he knows and what he can do. It is the followers, not the leader or someone else who determines if the leader is successful. If Followers do not trust or lack confidence in their leader, then they will be uninspired. To be successful Leader has to convince his/her followers, not himself/herself or his/her superiors, that he/she is worthy of being followed. FOLLOWERS: Different people require different styles of leadership. For example, a new hire requires more supervision than an experienced employee. A person who lacks motivation requires a different approach than one with a high degree of motivation. He/She must know his/her people. The fundamental starting point is having a good understanding of human nature, such as needs, emotions, and motivation. COMMUNICATION: It is an important part of the Leadership to establish a Communication between a Leader and a Follower. It may be Verbal or Non-Verbal. What and how a Leader communicate either builds or harms the relationship between Leader and his/her Followers. SITUATION: All situations are different. What a Leader do in one situation will not always work in another. Leader must use his/her judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. Also the situation normally has a greater effect on a leaders action than his or her traits. This is because while traits may have an impressive stability over a period of time, they have little consistency across situations. This is why a number of leadership scholars think the Process Theory of Leadership is a more accurate than the Trait Theory of Leadership. GENERAL CONCEPTS OF LEADERSHIP: Good leaders are made not born. If a person has the desire and willpower, he/she can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. To inspire the workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things a person must be, know, and do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are NOT resting on their laurels. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. The basis of good leadership is honorable character and selfless service to the organization. In his/her employees eyes, his/her leadership is everything a Leader do that effects the organizations objectives and their well-being. Respected leaders concentrate on what they are [be] (such as beliefs and character), what they know (such as job, tasks, and human nature), and what they do (such as implementing, motivating, and providing direction). What makes a person want to follow a leader? People want to be guided by those they respect and who have a clear sense of direction. To gain respect, they must be ethical. A sense of direction is achieved by conveying a strong vision of the future. The Two Most Important Keys to Effective Leadership: (a) Trust and confidence in top leadership was the single most reliable predictor of employee satisfaction in an organization. (b) Effective communication by leadership in three critical areas was the key to winning organizational trust and confidence: Helping employees understand the companys overall business strategy. Helping employees understand how they contribute to achieving key business objectives. Sharing information with employees on both how the company is doing and how an employees own division is doing relative to strategic business objectives. CHARACTERSTICS OF GOOD LEADER: Leader of any company or organization must have some skills for the success of the organization or the achievement of specific goal. Here are some of the main characterstics of leader that are must in any field of the business. INTERPERSONAL SKILL: The first leadership characteristic is interpersonal skills. Leaders that have earned the trust and respect of their followers can use this trust to move the organization towards the achievements of its goal. These leaders are able to use their interpersonal skills to work through difficult relationships and keep the peace in their departments. They are good at listening and providing constructive feedback. COMMUNICATION SKILL: Leaders demonstrating communication skills are both good speakers and listeners. Through their words they can help keep the workforce motivated and committed. They also listen to their followers and ask questions when they want to make sure they have a good understanding of what is being expressed. VALUES: Leaders must also value the diversity of a workforce and understand that a diverse group of employees will bring a larger perspective to the organization. They need to treat followers with the respect they deserve and do not display favoritism. They operate with a high level of ethics that sets an example for others to follow. ORGANIZATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS: Leadership characteristics sometimes go beyond the personal traits and hit on areas such as organizational consciousness or knowledge. These are leaders that understand what the organization wants to achieve and know how it can be accomplished. They create networks within the organization to help their groups get things done and are just as adept at breaking down organizational barriers to progress. CONFIDENCE: Leaders need to carry themselves with confidence and not be afraid to take ownership for both popular and unpopular decisions. They must be able to learn from criticisms and are often acutely aware of their own shortcomings. Confident leaders are able to maintain a calm demeanor even during emergencies and this can be contagious when it needs to be. FLEXIBILITY: Another important characteristic of leaders are their ability to remain flexible and adapt their leadership style to meet the demands of the current work environment. They must be able to work with others to meet organizational goals and shift focus as necessary. CREATIVITY SKILL: Leaders demonstrating creativity skills are able to develop innovative solutions to old problems. The diversity they build in their organizations helps them to develop more comprehensive answers to routine questions. Creative leaders are able to translate technical information into solutions that are understood by everyone. ACHIEVING RESULTS: The last leadership characteristic were going to discuss is achieving results. Leaders just dont set the example for others to follow; they also play a big role in achieving the goals of the organization. Through their leadership skills, they maintain a high level of performance in their organizations and are able to help keep their workforce motivated even when faced with a seemingly impossible situation. And since they have a deep understanding of what an organization needs to accomplish they are able to quickly identify and solve the important objectives of an organization. TWO GOOD LEADERS IN A BUSINESS: DHIRUBHAI AMBANI: According to my understandings, Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani is the good example for the whole world in a field of business. Mr. Ambani had all the qualities that are essential for leading the business organization and achieving the goals or future target with the help of followers by leading them in a effective way. Here are some of the qualities of the Mr.Ambani that are responsible for his success: Dhirubhais life was, indeed, a thumping success story of a small town boy building a giant corporation that propelled him into the ranks of the worlds richest men by the time of his death. In Dhirubhais view of the world of business, the end justified the means. Not something that everyone would agree with. But Dhirubhai swore by this dictum and he proved the point in his own lifetime. He built a $12-billion company from scratch. He was the prime force in introducing the equity cult in the country. His biggest achievement, however, is something that cannot be quantified he infused the spirit of business among an entire generation of Indians who were inspired by his rags-to-riches story. He was a living motif for how inspiration coupled with hard work and the can-do spirit can take one to great heights. Dhirubhai was endowed with sharp business acumen and a spirit of adventure. But more than this in-born trait, there were three characteristics that set Dhirubhai apart in the conserva tive world of Indian business: First, his phenomenal risk-taking ability that was far higher than other contemporary businessmen. He was a born risk-taker and believed in taking on and managing calculated risks. It is this same risk-taking ability that helped him when he ventured into textile manufacturing in 1966 within a year of buying out his original partner in the yarn business, Champaklal Damani. Ditto when he ventured into the backward integration project of setting up a plant to produce fibre intermediate, purified terephthalic acid (PTA) in the mid-80s he was taking on established businesses and businessmen. Second was his firm belief that business is nothing but a web of relationships and obligations. Success depended on the right contacts in the right places and Dhirubhai perfected this to a fine art. It was his great leadership quality that he strongly believed in a strong communication and relationship with his followers during his business that lead to him to become one of the great businessmen in the world. He believed in proactive moves rather than reacting to Government policy which is what his contemporaries were doing. This capacity to manage the environment would be responsible for the dark spots that any chronicler of the Reliance groups evolution would encounter. Finally, his ability to see the larger picture and think big. Even in the laid-back 80s, Dhirubhai could see that he needed to integrate himself across the entire petrochemical chain to survive and grow. This is again the great quality of any leader that lead them for the whole future by setting the goal of an organization. Mr. Ambani also thought always about the big dreams for him and his people. To Indian middle-class salary-earners, Ambani held out the promise of instant enrichment through the stock market. But he was no fly-by-night operator: Reliance shares offered genuine value, and those fortunate enough to have had faith in the company in the early years eventually became millionaires. Annual general meetings were held in sports stadiums where Ambani would be treated by shareholders with adulation and even reverence. Ambani was also anxious to encourage the spread of information technology among Indias poor. Through Reliance Industries he arranged computer education and training for thousands of students in schools in Bombay. You are getting an opportunity. Make the best use of it, he told children in December during one of his last public speeches. Be daring. Think big. You can be the best. If you believe in this, you will be the best. Think big, think fast and think ahead. Born in 1932 to a school teacher father in the small village of Chorwad in western Gujarat state, Ambani followed this advice all his life. He dreamt big even as a small boy when he used to sell hot snacks to pilgrims outside a temple in his native village. And he did not stop dreaming big even when he went to Aden as a petrol pump attendant at the age of 17 to help support his family. It was this desire to make it big in life which prompted his return to India in 1958. Ambani came to Bombay and started his first company, Reliance Commercial Corporation, a commodity trading and export house. Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani belonged to a middle class family, he was just studied till 10th standard and after that he started to work as an attendant at petrol pump. HE HAD NOTHING JUST WITHOUT DREAMS AND WILLPOWER AT THE STARTING OF HIS LIFE IN A WORK, BUT HE HAD DESIRE TO ACHIEVE SOMETHING IN A LIFE AND HE BECAME THE RICHEST PERSON OF INDIA AMONG THE POPULATION OF 10 BILLION PEOPLE AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH. WILLIAM H. GATES: William H. Gates is chairperson and chief software architect of Microsof Corporation, the worldwide leader in software services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing.Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a family having rich business, political and community service background. His great-grandfather was a state legislator and a mayor, his grandfather was vice president of national bank and his father was a lawyer. He has all the qulaities that a leader must need to become a successful in any business. Some of these are like : Bill strongly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. In school, he had an excellent record in mathematics and science. It was a very important decision in Bill Gates life where he was first introduced to a computer. Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed Programmers Group in late 1968. Being in this group, they found a new way to apply their computer skill in university of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in Information Sciences Inc. in which they were selected as programmers. ISI (Information Sciences Inc.) agreed to give them royalties whenever it made money from any of the g roups program. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group also became a legal business. Then he formed Microsoft. Microsofts vision is A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer. Bill is a visionary person and works very hard to achieve his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work has put him where he is today. He does not believe in mere luck or Gods grace, but just hard work and competitiveness. Bills Microsoft is good competition for other software companies and he will continue to stomp out the competition until he dies. He likes to play the game of Risk and the game of world domination. His beliefs are so powerful, which have helped him increase his wealth and his monopoly in the industry. Bill Gates also has a greta heart which is also a great qulaity of this person. He used to donate a lot of money for the welfare of the students, societies, poor people etc. With this, his business also expand and he get support from many of the persons. Some years back, he visited Chicagos Einstein Elementary School and announced grants benefiting Chicagos schools and museums where he donated a total of $110,000, a bunch of computers, and provided internet connectivity to number of schools. Secondly, Bill Gates donated 38 million dollars for the building of a computer institute at Stanford University. Gates plans to give away 95% of all his earnings when he is old and gray. Gates foresight and vision regarding personal computing have been central to the success of Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively involved in key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft, and plays an important role in the technical development of new products. Much of his time is devoted to meeting with customers and staying in contact with Microsoft employees around the world through e- mail. Facts about Bill Gates Queen Elizabeth gave him the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire. IBM contracted him for the development of their first Personal Computer. He is the Co-Founder and the Chairperson of Microsoft. He is the worlds third richest person (As per the survey done in 2008) He is an American Business Magnate. Here is lot about bill gates that is behind his success in a business world. Acccording to me, Bill Gates and Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani are the two great leader and no doubt they have all the qualities to become a good leader. These are the qualities and willpower of the person that makes him everything from nothing.